However there seems to be a split when it comes to form and functionality. You will notice many top information websites have invested lots of time in the website design, layout and imagery, which increasing your chances of returning.
This technique of website design and aesthetics has become a very important factor for online retailers, and many are investing lots of time and money in the look of their site. As you can see in the newly launched Triumph Lingerie website, there has been no cutting corners on the look and presentation of the website.
This all stems from good quality product and website photography, without the best photos of your products you will have a hard time selling them to potential customers.
With this in mind some of the top website and product photographers have started charging lots for photo shoots, whether its products, models or the establishment.
Recently we had been tasked with sourcing website imagery for a client, and rather than resorting to generic stock photos they were willing to spend a little extra to get it done right.
In the end we found a wonderful little agency in Bristol who specialised in product and website content photography for small businesses. We actually arranged the guys to come up to meet us where they carried out the shoot (they bought all the equipment necessary) of the products and a few of the store.
Shortly after the pictures were shot, the editing was completed by them too. And upon approval we were given a set of RAW images we could use in future campaigns, but also beautifully edited product pictures which were ideal for the website.
All this for a fraction of the price others seem to charge. So if you are looking for some quality website photography then check out Atomic Smash in Bristol.